General informations about geographical
location, activities, transport, trade, etc.:
The territory is 3533
Berdichev is a city of Oblast's
rule, the centre of Berdichev District, located in south of the Oblast in 180
km south-west of Kyiv and 40 km south of Zhitomyr on the shore of Gnylopyat
river, the tributary of the Teteriv.
Berdichev has been known from 1320 when this locality was presented to prince
Tyshkevich by the Great Prince Gedimin. The year of Berdichev foundation is
considered to be 1546. At the beginning of XVII century the Prince Tyshkevich
built a castle in Berdichev and in some while rebuild it into a monastery. Further
development of Berdichev was connected with the monastery prosperity which had
the miraculous icon. After 1675 when with permission of king Stanislav-August
a tradition of annual fairs was established the town kept getting populated
and in some while transformed into big and trade center. In 1845 according to
tsar's decree Berdichev got status of town. At the same time it became the center
of Berdichev Povit (administrative unit).
Since 1937 Berdichev as a center of the District became a part of Zhitomyr Oblast.
There are 31 industrial
enterprises in the city: 2of them are of the state property and 2 of the collective
Structure of branches of industry is represented by 7 enterprises of machine-building
and metal-processing industry, 8 - light industry, 8 - food industry, 4 - wood-processing
industry, 2 - grain-processing and combined forage industry, and 1 enterprise
of paleographic industry.
They produce chemical equipment and spare parts for it, metal-cutting lathes
and bore engines for petroleum industry, hard and chromium leather products,
shoes, trailers for truck and cars, furniture, clothes, and so on.
The leading enterprises are the following: Progress, PLC (machine-building for
petroleum industry); Bevers, PLC (machine-tool construction); Tsucrorafinadny
zavod (Sugar refinement factory), PLC (food industry); Fabrica odezhdy (Clothes
factory), PLC (light industry).
There are 5 construction
companies in the city with their annual turnover of construction and mounting
work of about 2 million hryvnias. Despite of difficulties 13 multi-storeyed
buildings, roofed market, water-purifying station are under construction.
Transport Infrastructure:
Berdichev city is an important
railway center where the following main lines are interlaced:
Moscow - Kovel;
Moscow - Uzhgorod;
St. Petersburg - Odesa;
Kyiv - Lviv - Odesa - Kovel;
Simferopil - Warsaw;
Kharkiv - Warsaw;
Dnipropetrovsk - Warsaw.
The following motorways are crossed in Berdychiv:
Minsk - Zhitomyr - Ismail;
Bila Tserkva - Kremenets.
There are also motorways on Lubar, Khmilnyk, Zhitomyr.
The total length of motorways in the city's territory is 155 km.
Foreign Trade Relations:
Products and services
of the industrial enterprises are exported in countries of CIS, Germany, Poland,
USA, Hungary, Finland.