(Courtesy: Alexander Kott) Pittsburgh, PA, 2001 The author grants permission to reproduce single copies of this document, provided that the document is copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice. Genealogy and history researchers are welcome to quote this material, provided the source is acknowledged. Introductory Notes In this report I attempted to list all known persons with surnames related to the MARGALIOT root – such as MORGULIS, MARGOLIS, MARGULIS, MARGALIOTH, MARGOLIOT, etc. - who resided in Berdichev (Berditchev, Barditshev, Berdicev, Berdyczow), Russian Empire (Ukraine, Volhynia), in the period of 1816-1858. A few other surnames and occasionally a broader time period found their way into this collection as well. You may also want to see a somewhat similar document for Brody, http://www.geocities.com/alexkott/MRGLS-Brody The information is compiled primarily (but not exclusively) from the Revizskie Sakzki (Revision Lists) – a form of census conducted periodically by the Imperial Russian Government and preserved partially in the archives of Russia, Ukraine and other countries. The archival research that led to this compilation was commissioned by the author and performed by several archivists in the Kiev Oblast State Archives, Kiev, Ukraine, during the years 2000-2001. A few persons listed here were found in other sources. I will be very grateful for any information that would allow me to correct and extend this list; I can be easily contacted by e-mail at alexkott@yahoo.com All people listed here were Jews. In particular, it should be noted that Revizskie Skazki were organized by faith and class, and this research covered only those sections of the Skazki that listed Jews. The reader is undoubtedly aware that the Jews of that time and place made every effort to avoid registrations with agencies of the Russian Government. Such a registration was intended generally for the purposes of taxation and conscription – both of which were justifiably dreaded by Jews. Thus, boys and young men were often concealed from a census, and the ages of boys were often given incorrectly. The ages shown in Revizskie Skazki were generally estimated by the census officials based on the appearance of the person. Significant inaccuracies were possible. The official categorization of families as "burghers" or "merchants" should not be taken too seriously, for it had little correlation with occupations of the individuals and more with the amount of taxes they were willing and able to pay. In particular, the desire to join the prestigious (yet highly taxed) Guilds of Merchants was caused in part by the fact that under the 1827 conscription law, the members of the Guilds of Merchants and their sons were exempted from the draft. Although the archivists who worked with the original documents made an attempt to perform an accurate and exhaustive search, one should recognize that omissions are inevitable. My interpretations, transliterations and conjectures probably have added more errors.
All names are spelled as given in the original documents. The Modified Library of Congress transliteration scheme (see http://www.history.uiuc.edu/steinb/translit/translit.htm ) was used when transliterating from Russian to English. As a result, some names appear unfamiliar, e.g., Khaia instead of a more customary Chaya. In the following list, numbering of the individual has no particular meaning and is used merely for referencing. The numbers are not necessarily consecutive. The same individual may be listed more than once if documented in several distinct sources. My comments are in parentheses. From the Berdichev Revizskie Skazki of 1834 Unless a different source is specified, the following individuals were documented in the "Revision Lists of Berdichev Jewish Community, April 25, 1834," State Archive of Kiev Oblast, f.280, op.2, d.435. Note that although this census was made in 1834, it refers occasionally to the earlier census of 1816, which is not known to be preserved. The references provide us with partial information regarding the residents of Berdichev in 1816. #1 MORGULIS, Zaivel son of Abram, age 39, merchant, also appeared in Berdichev Revision List of 1816, registered as merchant in 1823. He headed the household that included persons #2 through #7. #2 Gersh-Volf, son of #1, age 19 #3 Ios, son of #1, age 12 #4 Elka, wife of #1, age 38 #5 Malka, wife of #2, age 19 #6 Sheina-Genia, daughter of #1, age 15 #7 Khana, daughter of #1, age 8 #8 MORGULIS, Iukel son of Nutka, merchant, age 42, transferred from burghers to merchants in 1834. He headed the household that included persons #9 through #15. #9 Azriel-Moishe, son of #8, age 17.5 #10 Abram-Gersh, son of #8, age 6 #11 Beila, wife of #8, age 42 #12 Sura, daughter of #8, age 23 #13 Malka, daughter of #8, age 19 #14 Feiga, daughter of #8, age 14 #15 Gitlia, daughter of #8, age 12 #16 MORGULIS, Meshulim-Nusin son of Shmul, merchant, age 53, transferred from burghers to merchants in 1834. He headed the household that included persons #17 through #28. (I believe that this person is Meshulem-Natan, Rav of Berdichev, same individual as #30 and #111. The fact that he is listed as "merchant" is irrelevant: the census was made primarily for fiscal and conscription purposes, and had to pigeonhole every person into available categories. Revision Lists have no category for Jewish clergy. Besides, the Russian Government of the era made conscious efforts to withhold recognition from Jewish spiritual leadership.) #17 Shmul-Ber, son of #16, age 25 #18 Abish, son of #17, age 6 months #19 Gershko, son of #16, age 11 #20 Iankel, son of #16, age 9 #21 Zaivel-Aron, son of #16, age 5 #22 Abish, son of #16, age 2 #23 Khana, wife of #16, age 43 #24 Khana, wife of #17, age 25 #25 Mar’im, daughter of #17, age 12 (possibly an error – note the unlikely relation between the ages of the father and the daughter) #26 Ryvka-Rukhlia, daughter of #17, age 10 (possibly an error – note the unlikely relation between the ages of the father and the daughter) #27 Bastsion, daughter of #16, age 14 #28 Sura-Dvoira, daughter of #16, age 7 #29 MORGULIS, Ios son of Shmul, died in 1834 at the age of 25 (alternative interpretation: he was 25 in 1816, died in 1834), single, no children, lived in the house of his relatives GORENSHTEIN, Shovel son of Mordko, and of his son GORENSHTEIN, Gershko. (All these seem to also have appeared in Berdichev Revision List of 1816. Perhaps, a brother of #16?) #81 MORGULIS, Lazel son of Moshko, transferred from burghers to merchants in 1831, age 37. The head of household consisting of #82 through #90. #82 Mirlia, wife of #81, age 36 #83 Gerts (Gersh?), son of #81, age 11 #84 Zelman, son of #81, age 10 #85 Leibko, son of #81, age 7 #86 Itsko, son of #81, age 5 #87 Mordko, son of #81, age 3 #88 Sheindlia, daughter of #81, age 16 #89 Nesia, daughter of #81, age 15 #90 Khaia, daughter of #81, age 1
From the Berdichev Revizskie Skazki of 1850 Unless a different source is specified, the following individuals were documented in the "Revision Lists of Merchants and Industrialists (Tradesmen?) of Berdichev, per 9th census, 1850," State Archive of Kiev Oblast, f.280, op.2, d.779. #30 MARGULIS, Meshulim Nusen son of Shmul, age 69 (Apparently the same person as #16. He headed the household that included persons #31 through #50.) #31 Shmul-Ber, son of #30, age 41 #32 Aibish, son of #31, age 16 ½ #33 Itsko, son of #31, age 15 #34 Srul, son of #31, age 12 #35 Gershko, son of #30, age 27 #36 Abram-Shmul, son of #35, age 5 #37 Iankel, son of #30, age 25 #38 Itsko, son of #37, age 2 #39 Zelman-Aron, son of #30, age 21 #40 Abish, son of #30, died in 1835 at the age of 3 #41 Khana, daughter of Gershko, wife of #30, age 59 #42 Khana, daughter of Leib, wife of #31, age 41 #43 Khaia, daughter of Khaim-Ios, wife of #35, age 30 #44 Dreizia, daughter of #35, age 8 #45 Zislia, daughter of Gerts, wife of #37, age 25 #46 Gudlia, daughter of #37, age 8 #47 Dreizia, daughter of #37, age 6 #48 Vitlia, daughter of #37, age 4 #49 Iukhved, daughter of Meer, wife of #39, age 20 #50 Charna, daughter of #30, age 15 #51 MORGULIS, Zaivel, son of Abram, age 55. Headed the household that included persons #52 through #63. #52 Gersh-Volf, son of #51, age 35 #53 Monasha, son of #52, age 13 #54 Moshko, son of #52, age 8 #55 Ios, son of #51, age 28 #56 Abram, son of #55, age 1 #57 Elka, daughter of Shmul, wife of #51, age 54 #58 Malka, daughter of Khaim, wife of #52, age 35 #59 Gitlia, daughter of #52, age 16 #60 Brandlia, daughter of #52, age 11 #61 Khava, daughter of #52, age 16 (Possibly a mistake – age 6?) #62 Rinklia, daughter of Aron-Ios, wife of #55, age 27 #63 Zislia, daughter of Shmul, mother of #57, age 60 (Clearly, either the relation or the age cannot be correct.) #64 MORGULIS, Shmul-Aron, son of Meer, died in 1836. The head of household consisting of #65 through #71. #65 Meer, son of #64, age 28, transferred from burghers to merchants in 1850. Headed household consisting of #66 through #71. #66 Moishe-Shmul, son of #65, age 7 #67 Pesia-Genia, wife of #65, age 29 #68 Dvoira, daughter of #65, age 12 #69 Ginda, daughter of #65, age 10 #70 Reizia, daughter of #65, age 8 #71 Khaia, daughter of #65, age 5 #72 MARGULIS, Munish-Khaim son of Duvid (or possibly Munish son of Khaim-Duvid), age 40, transferred from burghers to merchants in 1850. Head of the household consisting of persons #73 through #79. #73 Getsel, son of #72, age 14 #74 Moshe-Leib, son of #72, age 5 and ½ #75 Aron, son of #72, age 4 #76 Rivka daughter of Srul, wife of #72, age 32 #77 Sura, daughter of #72, age 16 #78 Gitlia, daughter of #72, age 8 #79 Ester, daughter of #72, age 1 #80 MARGULIS, Iukel son of Nuta, transferred to burghers in 1847. #91 MARGULIS, Lazel son of Moshko, age 53. Head of the household consisting of #92 through #110. #92 Gerts, son of #91, age 27 #93 Zelman, son of #91, age 26 #94 Leibka, son of #91, age 23 #95 Moshko, son of #94, age 3 #96 Abram Duvid, son of #94, age 1 #97 Itsko, son of #91, age 21 #98 Mordko, son of #91, age 19 #99 Ios, son of #91, age 15 #100 Mirlia, daughter of Srul-Gershko, wife of #91, age 52 #101 Khana daughter of Abram, wife of #92, age 26 #102 Perlia daughter of Pinkhas, wife of #93, age 19 #103 Braina, daughter of #93, from the first wife, age 5 #104 Beila daughter of Gersh-Meer, wife of #94, age 22 #105 Menia, daughter of #94, age 1 #106 Sura daughter of Nuta, wife of #81, age 20 #107 Sheindlia, daughter of #91, age 32 #108 Mesia (Nesia?), daughter of #91, age 31 #109 Perlia, daughter of #91, age 12 #110 Genia, grand-daughter of #91, age 16
From the Berdichev Revizskie Skazki of 1858 Unless a different source is specified, the following individuals were documented in the "Revision Lists of Merchants-Jews of Berdichev June 1, 1858," State Archive of Kiev Oblast, f.280, op.2, d.1193.
#111 MARGULIS, Meshulim-Nusin son of Shmul, died in 1856, was 69 in 1850. The head of household consisting of #112 through #136. (Probably the same as #16 and #30.) #112 Shmul Ber, son of #111, age 49 #113 Abish, son of #112, age 24 #114 Itsko, son of #112, age 23 #115 Srul, son of #112, age 20 #116 Gersh, son of #111, age 35 #117 Abram Shmul, son of #116, died in 1857, was 5 in 1850 #118 Itsko, son of #116, died in 1850 at the age of 5 month #119 Meer, son of #116, age 3 #120 Iankel, son of #111, age 32 #121 Itsko, son of #120, was 2 in 1850, died in 1856 #122 Srul, son of #120, age 4 #123 Meer, son of #120, age 2 #124 Zelman Aron, son of #111, age 29 #125 Khana daughter of Gershko, wife of #111, age 67 #126 Khana daughter of Leib, wife of #112, age 49 #127 Meindlia daughter of Mordko Aron, wife of #113, age 20 #128 Khaia Rivka daughter of Khaim Ios, wife of #116, age 38 #129 Dreizlia, daughter of #116, age 16 #130 Braina, daughter of #116, age 5 #131 Gislia (probably Zislia – compare #45) daughter of Gerts, wife of #120, age 33 #132 Gudlia, daughter of #120, age 16 #133 Dreizlia, daughter of #120, age 14 #134 Vitlia, daughter of #120, age 12 #135 Perlia, daughter of #120, age 7 #136 Iokhvid daughter of Meer, wife of #124, age 28 #137 MARGULIS, Elia son of Kel’man, transferred from merchants of Kamenets-Podol’sk to merchants of Berdichev in 1854, age 48. The head of household consisting of #138 through #142. #138 Leib, son of #137, age 5 #139 Gudlia daughter of Leib, wife of #138, age 46 #140 Khaia, daughter of #138, age 22 #141 Rukhlia, daughter of #138, age 19 #142 Genia, daughter of #138, age 18 #143 MARGULIS, Lazel’ son of Moshko, age 61, merchant of the 3rd Guild. The head of household consisting of #144 through #172. #144 Gerts son of #143, age 35 #145 Zelman son of #143, age 34 #146 Moshe-Itsko son of #145, age 6 #147 Leib son of #143, age 31 #148 Moshko son of #147, age 11 #149 Abram-Duvid, son of #147, age 9 #150 Pinkhas, son of #147, age 3 #151 Itsko, son of #143, age 29 #152 Iankel son of #151, age 7 #153 Mordko son of #143, age 27 #154 Srul-Gershon, son of #153, age 6 #155 Duvid, son of #153, age 5 #156 Gersh, son of #153, age 2 #157 Ios, son of #143, age 23 #158 Moishe, son of #157, age 1 #159 Mirlia, daughter of Srul Gershon, wife of #143, age 60 #160 Nesia, daughter of #143, age 39 #161 Perlia, daughter of #143, age 20 # 162 Khana daughter of Abram, wife of #144, age 34 #163 Perlia daughter of Pinkhas, wife of #145 , age 27 #164 Braina, daughter of #145, age 13, from the first wife #165 Sima, daughter of #145, age 2, from the second wife #166 Beila daughter of Gersh-Meer, wife of #147, age 30 #167 Mennia, daughter of #147, age 9 #168 Khana, daughter of #147, age 6 #169 Sura daughter of Nuta, wife of #151, age 28 #170 Khana, daughter of #153, age 3 #171 Rasia daughter of Ikhel, wife of #157, age 22 #172 Eidlia, daughter of #157, age 3 #173 MARGULIS, Munish son of Khaim Duvid, age 48. The head of household consisting of #174 through #182. #174 Getsel, son of #173, age 22 #175 Moshe Leib son of #173, age 13 #176 Aron son of #173, age 12 #177 Khaim Duvid son of #173, age 7 #178 Rivka daughter of Srul, wife of #173, age 40 #179 Sura, daughter of #173, age 24 #180 Itlia daughter of #173, ge 16 #181 Ester daughter of #173, age 9 #182 Brukha Leia daughter of Borukh Leizor, wife of #174, age 20 #183 MARGULIS, Zaivel son of Abram, was 55 in 1850, died in 1853. The head of household consisting of #184 through #198. #184 Gersh Volf son of #183, age 43 #185 Monasha son of #184, age 21 #186 Moishe son of #184, age 16 #187 Itsko son of #184, age 8 year and 2 and a half month #188 Ios son of #183, age 36 #189 Abram son of #188, age 9 #190 Elka daughter of Shmul, wife of #183, age 62 #191 Malka daughter of Khaim, wife of #174, age 43 #192 Gitlia daughter of #174, age 24 #193 Braindlia daughter of #174, age 19 #194 Khava daughter of #174, age 14 #195 Sheindlia daughter of #174, age 6 #196 Vislia daughter of #174, age 6 #197 Finklia daughter of Aron Ios, wife of #188, age 35 #198 Khvulia daughter of #188, age 1 #199 MARGULIS, Meer son of Shulim, was 28 in 1850, registration transferred to the settlement of Kortsi in 1852. (Probably the same person as #65.)
The following records found in the "Revision Lists of Merchants-Jews of Berdichev June 1, 1858," State Archive of Kiev Oblast, Kiev, Ukraine, f.280, op.2, d.1195, refer to Jews who were classified as burghers, as opposed to merchants. #200 MARGULIS, Mordko son of Khaim Ios, age 72. The head of household consisting of #201 through #204. #201 Aron Moishe son of #200, age 24 #202 Bliuma daughter of Iankel, wife of #200, age 70 #203 Dvoira daughter of #200, age 44 #203A Gitlia daughter of #200, age 35 #204 Rukhlia grand-daughter of #200, age 21 #205 MARGULIS, Duvid son of Iankel Leib (alternative interpretation: Duvid Iankel son of Leib), age 41. The head of household consisting of #206 through #207. #206 Itsko son of #205, age 21 #207 Moshe son of #205, age 1 #208 Malka daughter of Moshko, wife of #205, age 38 #209 MARGULIS, Azril Moshe son of Iukel, age 41. The head of household consisting of #210 through #221. #210 Mordko Nuta son of #209, age 15 #211 Abram Gersh brother of #209, age 40 #212 Iankel Iukel son of #211, age 5 #213 Nusen Nuta son of #211, age 3 #214 Moshko Khaim son of #211, age 3.5 month #215 Mindlia daughter of Zusia, wife of #209, age 40 #216 Khaia Sura daughter of #209, age 22 #217 Tsipoira Rukhlia daughter of #209, age 16 #218 Frima Ester daughter of #209, age 11 #219 Khaia Liba daughter of Ios, wife of #211, age 36 #220 Beila daughter of #211, age 11 #221 Dvoira Malka daughter of #211, age 4 #222 MARGULIS, Gersh Alter son of Abish, age 41. The head of household consisting of #223 through #226. #223 Abish son of #222, age 10 #224 Rivka daughter of Beirish, wife of #222, age 38 #225 Gitlia daughter of #222, age 17 #226 Reizlia daughter of #222, age 15 #227 MARGULIS, Meer son of Moshko, was 58 in 1850, whereabouts unknown since 1856. The head of household consisting of #228 through #229. (Perhaps the same person as #248?) #228 Shamson son of #227, age 21 #229 Ester daughter of #227, age 19 #230 MARGULIS, Ioinus son of Nuta, was 53 in 1850, on leave in unknown destination since 1856 #231 Iuda Leib son of #230, was 16 in 1850, on leave in unknown destination since 1856 #232 Noiakh son of #230, was 11.5 in 1850, on leave in unknown destination since 1856 #233 MARGULIS, Iankel Nusin son of Shulim (alternative interpretation: Iankel son of Nusin Shulim), was 21 in 1850, on leave in unknown destination since 1857 #237 MARGULIS, Shmul son of Iudko, was 56 in 1850, on leave in unknown destination since 1856 #238 Abram Ber son of #237, was 23 in 1850, on leave in unknown destination since 1856 #239 Mendel son of #238,was 4 in 1850, on leave in unknown destination since 1856 #240 MARGULIS, Leizor son of Mordko, was 44 in 1850, died in 1851. The head of household consisting of #241 through #247. #241 Abram Govshnia Getsel son of #240, age 33 #242 Iankel son of #240, age 15 #243 Dvoira daughter of Khaim Ios, wife of #240, age 45 #244 Rukhlia daughter of #240, age 22 #245 Perlia, wife of #241, age 28 #246 Tsipoira daughter of #241, age 6 #247 Khava daughter of #241, age 2 #248 MARGULIS, Meer son of Moshko, age 66 #249 Freida daughter of Khaim, wife of #248, age 69 #250 Elka daughter of Shulim, niece of #248, age 55 #251 MARGULIS, Iankel son of Nusin Shulim (alternative interpretation: Iankel Nusin son of Shulim), age 29. The head of household consisting of #252 through #256. #252 Moshe son of #251, age 1 #253 Beila daughter of Iankel, wife of #251, age 28 #254 Tsirlia daughter of #251, age 7 #255 Nesel daughter of #251, age 6 #256 Dvoira daughter of #251, age 3 #257 MARGULIS, Meer Mordko son of Usher (alternative interpretation: Meer son of Mordko Usher), was 59 in 1850, died in 1855. The head of household consisting of #258 through #263. #258 Shoel son of #257, was 36 in 1850, died in 1855 #259 Gersh son of #257, age 41 #260 Pesia wife of #257, age 62 #261 Sheindlia wife of #258, age 40 #262 Tsirlia daughter of #258, age 19 #263 Ita, wife of #259, age 30 #264 MARGULIS, Shmul son of Iudko, was 56 in 1850, died in 1853. The head of household consisting of #265 through #269. #265 Abram Ber son of #264, age 31 #266 Mendel son of #265, age 12 #267 Itsko Shmul son of #265, age 5 #268 Genia daughter of Mendel, wife of #265, age 26 #269 Leia, daughter of #265, age 11 #270 MARGULIS, Ios son of Shlioma, age 60 #271 Mar’em Sheindlia daughter of Itsko, wife of #270, age 38 #272 MARGULIS, Gersh son of Aron, age 26, was omitted in the 1850 census. #273 Khaia daughter of Itsko, mother of #272, age 56 #274 Mar’em daughter of Shulim, wife of #272, age 22
The following individuals were registered as members of "Industrial Class" (literally "workshop class," probably tradesmen, artisans) #275 MARGULIS, Leib son of Kalman, age 33, transferred to Berdichev burghers by the decree of the office, of December 19 1851, No. 9207. #276 Volf son of #275, age 3.5 #277 Khana daughter of Shmul, wife of #275, age 30 #278 MARGULIS, Iokhinon son of Munish, transferred from burghers to industrial class, died in 1850. The head of household consisting of #279 through #284. #279 Meer son of #278, age 43 #280 Iekhel son of #279, age 21 #281 Itsko (also known as Iozep) son of #279, age 12 #282 Malka daughter of Iozip, wife of #279, age 38 #283 Tema daughter of #279, age 8.5 #284 Khava, daughter of #279, age 2
From Other Sources #285 MARGULIS, Munim-Shipel son of Khaim; Merchant of the 2-nd Guild, from Berdichev; died 18 June 1864 in Kharkov, Ukraine. Source: 1864 records of the Kharkov Ravvinat - Rabbinical Office, Kharkov Oblast ZAGS Archive, Kharkov, Ukraine. (Perhaps the same person as #72 and #173?) #286 MORGULIS, Moshe-Itsko son of Zelman, born in 1854, a burgher from Berdichev. Sources: name – 1887 records of the Kharkov Ravvinat - Rabbinical Office, Kharkov Oblast ZAGS Archive, Kharkov, Ukraine, regarding the birth of a son in 1887. Age – from the records of the Kharkov City Public Housing Authority for the period of 1922-1929, Kharkov, Ukraine. (Probably the same person as #146. The author has studied descendants of this person; details can be obtained from the author or in the FTJP database.) #287 MARGULIUS, Tcharna, daughter of Meshullam Nosson MARGULIUS, the Rav of Berdichev. Source: according to a genealogist, Hillel Bick of Balaclava, Australia (letter of July 2, 2001), Tcharna was his great-great-grandmother; she married Eliyahu Gervitz (Hurvitz) of Medziboz. (Tcharna is probably the same person as #50.) #288 MARGALIOT, Dvoira, mother of R’ Levi Itzchak of Berdichev; Dvoira was a descendant of R’ Moshe MARGALIOT of Tarnigrad and of MAHARSHA. Source: "The Town of Berdichev" edited by Baruch Karu (Krupnik), Tel Aviv, 1951, p.23. It is not known, however, whether Dvoira herself ever lived in Berdichev. #289 MARGULIS, Iankele, Rabbi, 1825-1892; son of Meshulem Nusn, Rabbi of Berdichev; married Sisele COHAN (1825-1894), had son Meier (see below) and daughter Vitl Zazkis. Source: Dr. Jorge Spunberg of San Paulo, Brazil, author of the website "Berdichev Revival," http://www.berdichev.org , according to his family history. (It is my opinion that R’ Iankele is the same as #120, Sisele - #131 or 45; Vitl - #134; Meier –#123. The mathematical probability of such multiple, multi-generational coincidences of names and ages occurring by merely a chance is extremely small.) #290 Meier, Rabbi, son of #289; 1859-1923; his 3rd wife was named Feigue. Source: Dr. J. Spunberg (see above, #289). #291 MARGALIOT, Meshulam Natan, Rav of Berdichev, son of R’ Shmuel, Rav of Zlischik. Born 1776; became the Rav of Berdichev after the passing of R’ Levi Itzchak of Berdichev. Died in 1861 (or 1860) or more likely 1857, or 1856. Source: M. Vunder, "Elef Margaliot," Jerusalem, 1993, p. 21. (Probably the same person as #16, #30 and #111.) #292 MARGALIOT, Yakov, Rav of Berdichev, son of #291. Assumed the position after the passing of his father. Author of "Kvutsat Yaakov" and other works. Source: Vunder, 1993, p. 21. (Probably the same person as #20, #37, #120, and #289.) #293 MARGALIOT, Yekutiel Zalman, Rav of Anapoli, son of #291, born 1830-1831. Source: Vunder, 1993, p.22. (Possibly the same person as #39 and #124. Although the partial mismatch of the first names is a cause for doubts, it is possible that the person had three names – Yekutiel Zalman Aron.) #294 MORGULIS, Manasseh (aka Mikhail G.), born 1837 in Berdichev; an influential Russian Jewish thinker and writer of Haskalah orientation. Source: Encyclopedia Judaica, Jerusalem 1973, article “MORGULIS, MANASSEH.” (Probably the same person as #53 and #185.) [HOME] [BACK TO OTHER REFERENCES]