Title (English)  Bakasha leMotze Shabbat
Title (Hebrew)  בקשה למוצאי שבת
Author  [Hasidic – Liturgy] R. Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev
City  Jerusalem
Publisher  Defus Yehuda
Publication Date  1930’s
Collection Information
Independent Item  This listing is an independent item not part of any collection
Description Information
  Small wall hanging, with two holes near the top (as for a string), 234:170 mm., rubbed from usage.
  A wall hanging of a special prayer (request) to be recited by men, women and children before Havdalah at the end of Shabbat. According to what is printed on this wall hanging, the text is from R. Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev, the author of :Kedushat Levi.The prayer begins G-d of Abraham, G-d of Isaac, G-d of Jacob–Preserve and rescue your people Israel, your beloved, from all the beloved Holy Sabbath passes, this week let this week come to full faith….Master of the World, ,You who gives to the weary strength, also give to the Jew, your beloved, strength to thank You, and to serve only You, that the week should come to use for health and Mazal and blessing and success, for chessed…..and for all of Israel, and let us say Amen.R. Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev (d. 1810) was a rabbi and Hasidic Master. He became a disciple of Dov Baer the Maggid of Mezhirech in 1766, later becoming a foremost exponent of Hasidism in his writings and through his life. R. Levi Yitzhak, the most lovable figure among the Hasidic masters, belongs to the folklore of all Jews, not only the Hasidim, in his eloquent pleadings to the Almighty to look with favor on His people.A typical story told in this connection is that when R. Levi Yitzhak witnessed a Jewish coach-driver greasing the wheels of his carriage while wearing his tefillin, instead of upbraiding the man, the saint lifted his eyes heavenwards to proclaim: ‘See how wonderful Jews are. Even while greasing the wheels of their carriages they wear tefillin.’R. Levi Yitzhak remained a staunch upholder of the Hasidic way all his life. He was appointed Rabbi of Zelichov, where he met with strong opposition on the part of the Mitnaggedim for his Hasidic views. Eventually he was forced to relinquish his post, but met with the same fate when serving as Rabbi in Pinsk. He finally settled in Berditchev in 1785, after which town he is known as ‘the Berditchever’ or ‘the Berditchever Rov’, since he was one of the few Hasidic masters to serve also as a town Rabbi.There are tales, which seem to have a basis in fact, that, as a result of the opposition he met with, he suffered for a time from ‘smallness of soul,’ in other words, he had a nervous breakdown; but he recovered and continued to teach the Hasidic ideas and ideals. There is also a basis in fact to the reports that he would travel with his company of followers from town to town in order to win souls for G-d.