
Certainly, this site shouldn’t be developed without the enormous help I received from my professors, collaborators, friends, and Institutions. Follows a list, where I’ll try to include everybody. I apologize in advance if I forgot somebody.

Prof. Eduardo Girotto (Brazil)In 1993 he introduced me to the world of computers.
Prof. Belarmino Armesto (Brazil)In 1996 he helped me to improve my knowledge of the interent tools and to develop the idea about the creation of this site.
Diana Sztraicher (Brazil)My beloved wife, suggested the title of the site “The Berdichev Revival”, and up to now encourages me to improve it.
Mônica Cristina D’Azevedo (Brazil)Undoubtedly, my most important collaborator, through her constant ideas, advices and  corrections I managed to build this site.
Prof. Ster Yakovlevich Elisavetski (Ukraine)One of the most important and distinguished historians and researchers over the world, about the Holocaust of Jews in Ukraine.
Sasha Koyfman (Israel)My dedicated guide during my first trip to Berdichev.
Rabbi Shlomo Breuer (Ukraine)An american Rabbi, setlled in Berdichev more than ten years, taking care of the synagogue and all the religious activities of the community.
Naomi Fatouros (USA)Has the privilege of being a lifelike encyclopedia of Berdichev, her references are always extremely useful.
Jeanne Gold (USA)Has developed the Berdichever’s Forum.
Prof. John Garrard (USA)Author of the book “The Bones of Berdichev”, has deeply researched the annihilation of the Jewish community of Berdichev by the Nazis.
Lea Baran (Brazil)Has helped me with traduction of texts written in Yiddish.
Yad Vashem (Israel) ( source of information about the Holocaust, nowadays enriched with the Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names.
The Institute of Jewish Research is the world’s preeminent resource center for East European Jewish Studies, through their site I was able to obtain extensive material about Berdichev.
JewishGen (USA)
The Home of Jewish Genealogy, represents the primary internet source connecting researchers of Jewish Genealogy worldwide, bringing the opportunity of all kind of discoveries through the Family Finder, the Discussion Groups, the Shtetl Links, etc., etc.
The Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS (Russia)
The extraordinary efforts of Chabad-Lubavitch, let us observe today recuperated Jewish communities through the territory of the ex-Soviet Union, returning to their religious roots and traditions.
ARC Group
Aktion Reinhard camps (Babi Yar)