Courtesy: Alla Bossart (21.06.2007)Our date code Askoldova great film directed by “Commissar” under 75 years.
75 years Askoldovu Alexander. Semimythical great film director sent me a disk with the “Commissar” and materials referred to the interview and other documents.
Phoned several times along the day. And the first thing the owner of the house with a Dutch stove and pictures of films on the walls, asked : “Why did you decide to meet me? “. Is it normal? I should ask for a sandwich. Askoldov exclaimed : “Oh, I have a beautiful tomato! and a luxurious cucumber! I bought it from an honest guy!
![]() Otar Ioseliani, Alexander Kaydanovsky Alexander Askoldov |
“He treated me wildly and inexplicably : not allowing me to write anything from the five-hour’s conversation. He said he hadn’t, and will never have a jubilee. And flatly refused to be interviewed, as we agreed to speak along a whole week. “But you can not prevent me from writing what I think about you, your life, your time and your movie-after five hours , I said, eating the exceptional cucumber. – I can not – he answered, extending the long hands of a basketball player. Director of the Kiev “Bolshevik” Yakov Askoldov and his wife have beauty in the 37th, when their son was five years old. The youngster, said, come later. Sasha realized : this game, you must hide. The empty city friends came to the father and his sons. Within a few months, his grandmother took him to Moscow. She kept a precious relic sword from a family. Razmahnulas… No zamerz pond, and the parcel is stuck in the cracked ice. Babk razulas, podvyazala skirt under the stomach and went into the ice-water drowning dangerous past. Pope shot on the tenth day. A mother returned from the war. Such games, cat-and-mouse. Director of the Institute of Blood Professor Dr. Askoldovu Bagdasarov had to imagine Vice front. Mama travelled all the best offer donor points. Her and Bagdasarova awarded Orders of the Red Star, a company with Beria. And at the end of the war re-planted. After Stalin’s death was an article Pomerantseva deficit in the sincerity of Soviet art, and scientists have to deal with gaping heights. Student filfaka Sasha Askoldov went to the “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, by Alexei Adzhubeyu, and brought in the name of art Pomerantseva. The Adzhubeya son, and the joy he printed note. And Sasha removed from the woman. Shell 54th year.
![]() Cadres from the movie “The Commissioner”. Holy Family |
Died, then Stalin, a woman removed was the issue (of the fifth year) to graduate from the university, Alexander Askoldov solitude in a museum piece on the ears in the archives Bulgakov, which gradually occupied all of the soul, free from the love of the young wife. This is a busy schedule. And one had told this to a negotiating item on Tverskaya Boulevard and a thick phone book with the letter “B”. “There apartments it playwright Mikhail Bulgakov? “. Once it has sent four, and the fifth female voice comments : “Yes, it’s his wife”. “Elena Sergeevna? I Alexander Askoldov, student-filolog. You would not agree to talk with me? “-” Where do you, Sasha? I live near the “Re”. Immediately go! “. Margarita asked whether he is married. Fine, my dear, call the wife, you have two pans, go to shashlik on the corner, where I discount, and tell the firm to put extra sauce. The house Askoldovy spent 14 years. Elena Sergeevna Bulgakov was alone and poor, as vdovstvuyuschaya Queen. “Not that faith, she prophetically knows what the future holds for the entire array of her husband”. Sasha Askoldov has access to precious basket, where drafts. The manuscript of “Master”… long been in the apartment Askoldovyh under the bed, Elena Sergeevna afraid searches and looting. Later, in the 57th, in the midst of the Hungarian events, Alexander finished a great article on Bulgakov is the first study of the writer. In time, say nothing. The publication of the issue is clear and does not stand. The Fedin Askoldovu wrote that the time was not yet ripe Bulgakov. The message : there is no doubt that the writer expects world glory. The Union of Soviet Writers expressed thoughts widow Master, alien, hostile to the Union as being an artistic nature. Even I, a member of this madness can not unravel all the knots. And what can you see? As we speak? What? How can all talk and explain? But why then your film, Alexander Yakovlevich? The tragedy of the fateful confrontation between life and death, about how women, birth, it is a field that the battle to overcome the laws of rock? Untrustworthy Askoldova distributed in Lithuania, Russian language teacher at the farm, where no one spoke in Russian. Postrelivali “Forest Brothers”, the Russian committed to their house doctors. “We have nothing to fear you, but generally better to leave”. After 12 years it official Ministry of Culture, arrived in Lithuania on trial “No one wanted to die”. At the same farm. The Rondo. In Zhalakyavichusom friendship until his last days. In the last letter written by Askoldov, how painfully learned only that the death Kaydanovskogo. A letter went out from Lithuania : “just learned of the death Kaydanovskogo. What loss. ” Three days later and died Zhalakyavichus. His film noted anniversary. “Commissioner” firmly lying on the shelf. The bad news coming closer together, and death preceded them. Askoldov not want to die. Even then, when the throat dead dog floating casinos, whose jaw is breaking only asp school-ever, has not been replaced and not thinking about death. In a two-metre rise in jubilation met violent early sixties, with a clear notion of honor and of art, which was in charge. Apparently, either before or after Askoldova was in Russia this figure in the cultural department. An old friend of Askoldov, Ernst Neizvestny, said that Alexander was a communist in the romantic sense. Accordingly, what is not in the party, “as a virgin in the whorehouse”. The criticism and high bar. Gd brothers Erdmanami. Instructed “Beg” in Aleksandrinke by Nikolai Cherkasovym as Hludova, he lived in Peter. Askoldova standing at the door, met Tovstonogov. Desk Furtsevoy saved many performances. One is the placement of young Rolan Bykov Yakornaya “area”, which arrived in Leningrad close Minkulta Commission. Askoldov stood side by side with no one famous director. A powerful Furtsevoy. The movie is not closed. Askoldova soon dismissed. In 1964, he read a story Grossman “The city of Berdichev”. Should it happen, as Vonnegut would say. “Jewish theme was” closed, as space research. The word “Jew” did not exist in the cultural space of a multinational homeland. Actors fled role Efima Magazanika like the plague. Bulls agreed. The Bulls he is an artist in religious, perhaps, the sense of unity of ethics and aesthetics. Look commission emerged from the room in silence tomb, playing behold. Not even demanded rebuilds. Film studio behalf of Gorky seized and Askoldova days at the White House Conference film removed from the party. All downhole antipartiynosti and language on the role of this. Expelled from the studio. 67th year. The nose of Czechoslovakia and then the Israeli aggression literally hatched their plot choice. “Kinosoobschestvo” sharahalos creator of the “Commissioner”, as from knelt. That is what needs to be learned to understand the history of this country : to protect the culture and people of rastlennogo masterpiece not embarked officials. And his brother. Artists. Twenty years best film recognized international organization of Christian filmmakers. Alexei Gherman said : “Art-salt on the wounds of power. “Commissioner” is the whole of this salt. In each frame of his art so much that the skin flies “. That is true, but not all. It does not explain the rehabilitation Tarkovsky, Kira Muratova, the same German consisting also of the “art” of salt. And it does not explain the hatred and fear-fear of fellow Jewish holy family, horses Apocalypse, a goddess gives revolution painfully istorgayuschey great meaning, vision Vavilovoy : kostsami-krasnoarmeytsami collecting tolls dry sand, and most importantly, vision Holocaust. My hypothesis : “The Commissioner”, the text is forthright. Revelation in the Biblical sense, which were a silver pipe Shnitke and plug the ears, forcing officials, artists, critics. Voices in the wilderness, crying for infertility good at that with you our land. So frankly, with the artistic force of Soviet cinema is not talked about this before. Your “200” cargo Askoldov the cross, was 20 years old. And was this phantom goods as pain, and hence even worse. The film confiscated. A copy was not. Master nothing to prove. The manuscript burned. But nothing that I have received 14 years in the house margarita? The restructuring helped Askoldov went to White Columns director Gosfilmofonda and said : “Return my film. “What this film, you are in my mind? “. And in the hallway grabbed his sleeve for the woman and whispered : go for me, nobody did. The dark cheese cellar, in baths and the Web, as in hell Dostoyevsky, piles were dirty yaufy. Old women razgrebla pile boxes… “Look, Alexander Yakovlevich. “This is your Commissioner”. Askoldov saw the mutilated film. His single, battered but alive film. “And now caring, told Virgil in the skirt. “I will give everything in order.” Scientific Officer archive named Galina Karaeva. Wolf removed from the ticket with studio apartments without the right to rent movies, Askoldov worked for a time in GTSKZ “Russia” director mass entertainment that people immediately pripechatali “Askoldovoy graves”. Recovered in the lot. Musicals raised, dragged to the scene of wild characters like Valery Leontiev… I hit, it goes, the campaign against corruption at the picnic. Accused of abuse of authority, staged homes searched and pomp-turnuli again from the party. The office, headed by Secretary gorkoma BN Yeltsin Alexander Yakovlevich not appear, ticket had passed, saying : “We have different parties”. Again, as in the water looked. (It closed for lack of evidence.) And “history” press conference at the Moscow Film Festival for the 87th year in which the Brazilian cinematologists asked : “And all of the movies you have at large? “. And Askoldov not chuya can say with a country, went to the microphone, which makes members of the Bureau of blended colours with white shirt, and announced himself as to hear from : “Exactly 20 years in detention is a film about my cancer humanity – chauvinism. Live forces that are trying to play down the problem. ” Dzhigu paparazzi woman. Brawer newspapers announced the latest prisoner of the Soviet cinema. Galina Karaeva fulfilled promise. Refurbished film shown at the White House cinema hall, where Askoldova once removed from the party. People are hanging on the chandeliers. The discussion in a small conference room Vanessa Redgrave sitting on the floor. Three days Gorbachev took Garcia Marquez, De Niro and excellent Redgrave. Shortly Politburo resigned decree signed by nine members : “In the circumstances, produce a movie A. Askoldova” Commissioner “limited edition”. … “Silver Bear” and other prizes at the Berlin festival, invitations to all the festivals the world, articles and books on “the Commissioner” and the creator of all living languages, hundreds of prizes, the first place in the European rankings of Russian films, a study in a film world Spielberg letter – whether it is possible to use the red stain of “Commissioner” in black “Schindler List”… Askoldov teaches at kinoakademiyah Germany and Sweden. He had a daughter and three granddaughters, the elder knows nine languages. Queen Silvia has invited him to dinner in a narrow range. Before awarding Nobel Prize winners in the new poll, which movie they wanted to see in the “cultural” programme, four out of ten said “the Commissioner”. Represented Askoldova this view Astrid Lindgren, a great friend of the family. There Commissioner “and” our “Nike”. Of the crew of not received one prize Askoldov. But, in general, there are so congratulations. Though Nonny Mordyukovoy reminded of the words : “Nor can I forgive genius that he did so with his talent. Few if we got spat on. Utremsya, vstryahnemsya further work. And he sorts. Twenty years sitting with their grievances. It is so “. We can not, of course. But everyone has a personal code of honor. And Code Askoldova only and can be. Uperetsya – or what. Not to yield even one frame. Not a single word. No one another and no one enemy. Even cucumbers buy from such know, fair aunts. To you have lived, Alexander Yakovlevich.