JSC Berdichev machine-building plant “Progress” – is one of the oldest enterprises of Ukraine, founded in 1880 by the industrialist L.K.Plakhetskiy and merchant I.M.Doberskiy. Nowadays the plant can boast of modern effective developments in production of filtering, drying, capacitive equipment for processing systems for many branches of industries.Products with trademark of Progress are well-known at the world market; they have built up the lasting reputation of reliable, high-quality and efficient equipment. More than a half of produced products are exported to Russia and CIS countries, USA, Germany, Israel, China, Iran, Turkey, India, South Korea and other countries all over the world. Progress has both strong production facilities and highly skilled staff. Workshops of the plant are equipped with up-to-date processing equipment for foundry works, making blanks, press-forging, assembling and welding works, machining of different materials and afford an opportunity to change processing flexibly. Working area enables manufacturing of unconventional products and producing metal structures weight of which is from 100 kg up to 70 tons, diameter is up to 5 m and length is up to 20 m. ”Progress” has won the strong reputation of reliable supplier of high-quality and efficient equipment. Quality of Progress production is proved by numerous awards, prizes, gold medals and diplomas at a lot of international exhibitions, fairs and forums. Quality system, meeting the highest requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2000, is developed, implemented and functions at the plant. Quality system was certified in January 2003 by the organization on quality systems certification “Prirost”, which is accredited by the German Accrediting Association TGA. Conformance Certificate on quality system QSP-0032/3 is acknowledged in Europe and many countries of the world. Before obtaining the said Certificate, the certified quality system of international standard version ISO 9001:94 had functioned at the plant.Production program of the enterprise includes filtering, drying, heat-exchange equipment, made of carbon and corrosion-resistant steels, cast-iron, titanium, plastic. The enterprise produces: automatic chamber filter-presses of tower type, automatic chamber filter-presses of horizontal type with upper suspension of polypropylene filter plates, plate-and-frame filter-presses with side suspension of filter plates, belt filters, disc vacuum filters, cartridge and leaf-type filters, capacitive pressurized apparatuses, apparatuses with mixers, ecologically-aimed equipment.Products of our plant are widely used in various ecological and environmental programs, as well as in chemical, aniline-dying, metallurgical, hydrometallurgical, mining, gas-and-oil producing, ceramic, food and other industries. In mining and allied industries the equipment, produced by our plant, is applied for filtering of fine-disperse, highly viscous, easily evaporating, oxidizing and toxic slurries, it is also used for filtering slurries containing up to 5000 kg/m3 of suspended particles and forming cakes of high hydraulic resistance. For cleaning of sewage and waste waters, dusty air, high-temperature and exhausted gases at the enterprises of different industries Progress produces filtering equipment enabling solution of numerous environmental problems.For water-supply systems at electric power stations, industrial boiler-houses and heating plants Progress produces desalting and water softening filters, salt dissolvers for preparation of regenerants of table salt and ammonia sulphate, cation solutions, and also storage tanks for strong sulphuric and nitric acids.For food and processing industries our enterprise produces filter-presses for filtering various vegetable oils, beer, wine, juices and other beverages; installations for filtering water-alcohol solutions and production of aromatized alcohols; thermal units for tinned fruit and vegetables, confectionary production. For flour-milling and feed mill industries we produce vibrosieves for high-grade flour production and its separation into fractions; bag filters for flour dust catching installed onto equipment for hydrothermal treatment in grain production; filtering equipment considerably reducing losses and energy consumption in sugar production, also spare parts for agricultural machinery and consumer goods.Over 70 enterprises of sugar industry in Ukraine, CIS countries and Europe are users of products manufactured by JSC Berdichev machine-building plant “Progress”. For many years specialists of engineering and production departments have been cooperating with Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of sugar industry, Ukrainian Association of Filtration, as well as other companies and organizations, in order to develop technologies and equipment, resulting in the best saving rate for each specific customer. One of the latest engineering achievements of our enterprise are fundamentally new automatic chamber filter-presses: tower-type KMPm, and FKMm – filter-press of horizontal type with upper suspension of polypropylene filter plates, designed by specialists of the plant.By its qualitative, technical and economic efficiency, filters of FKMm series are highly competitive with analogs of western producers, therewith their cost is considerably less. The most up-to-the –minute engineering ideas, the highest technologies, the most reliable microintegrated systems were used in designing of these filter-presses, that is why, beyond any doubt, the filter-presses KMPm and FKMm can be considered equipment of millennium three.Expansion of natural gas use as motor fuel is impossible without such its constituent part as gas-cylinders. Our plant has mighty manufacturing facilities and huge experience in this field. “Progress” is the only enterprise in the postUSSR territory, which established serial production of light-weight all-metal automobile cylinders for compressed natural gas methane. In particular, for manufacturing of the said cylinders Progress was awarded the title of Laureate of All-Ukrainian contest of production quality “100 Best Products of Ukraine”, final round of which was held in Kiev, on 11-15 of March, 2004.In the course of time it occurred that from the beginning of the 20-th century the Board of Directors of Joint Stock Company was located in Kiev, as far back as the time when stock fund of Berdichev machine-building plant contained foreign capital. And nowadays, when all 100% of shares belong to the residents of Ukraine, in Kiev the office of Trade House of Berdichev machine-building plant is located, it exercises marketing management and merchandising, administration by representative network, covering both single regions of Ukraine and CIS countries, innovation activity. Trade House carries out the strategy of intensive expansion of markets of Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, European and Asian countries.Trade House of Plant “Progress” Artem Zaitsev – Director of Trade House of plant “Progress”Trade House is an exterior structure of tandem TH- Progress plant. It is responsible for marketing management and merchandising as well as for innovation programs. For only a short period of time a considerable increase of sales and introducing of new productions were performed. Through the initiative of Trade House was set up and run the innovation fund, purpose of which is to finance planned modernization of produced products, designing of new types of equipment and re-equipment of mainline production technological base.Active advertising campaigns are permanently carried out. Due to which our plant’s products users all over the world can learn about new engineering projects of filtering and other equipment. From September 2002 the structure of sales department has been changed, now this sector works as per industry approach. This approach provides for deeper market penetration and aids to development of specific orientation of trade-managers. By now, restructuring done, and it enables differentiating of market research, monitoring of operating efficiency and adequacy of our plant production range to needs of each specific market. We are positive about beneficial effect in stimulation of sales both in our traditional markets and in new unexplored segments.The most significant and objective appraisal of Trade House’s efforts are financial showings as well as sales volume for the year 2003. In our case they show optimistic dynamics and display increasing business activity of both sales sectors and agents.Traditionally, Russia, Kazakhstan, CIS countries, distant foreign countries were spacious market for deliveries of our equipment. Today, following the conditions of new business relations, Trade House of plant “Progress” actively expands its official representative offices network. Expansion of representative network became a new qualitative level of business interest representation in distant markets. Official representative offices exists already in Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Kemerovo, Yekaterinburg) and in Kazakhstan (Aqtobe). Representative offices in Turkey. Australia, Peru and South Korea were opened. Plan for development of representative network has a long-term outlook – opening of representative offices in Baltic States, the Republic of Belarus and other countries of the world are planned. We pin hopes on our regional representatives as on the partners, covering local markets, and at the same time we contribute to closer investigation and exploration of distant consumers segments.Plant “Progress” – is a sufficiently strong base for development of new productions. We work hard elaborating new projects, widening our production range, modernizing the existing equipment.While working out the output program, along with manufacturing of conventional equipment of “Progress” trademark for chemical, mining, metallurgical, food industries, the most promising and those of current importance directions were established – they are the solution of ecological problems. Today our specialists actively cooperate with research institutes and design engineering companies. Designing, manufacturing and promotion of modern equipment for cleaning of sewage and industrial wastewaters, equipment for drinking water recovery, domestic wastes recycling, industrial slurries processing, gas purification, incineration – were defined as strategic tasks. |